all roads lead you back to you

just keep going. when they say no. when they push you down. when the rain falls and the tears come. when you disappoint. when you say you will and don’t. when you get stuck scrolling and scroll right past yourself. past your own life. just keep going. when they diagnose you. drug you. when you drug yourself. when you make a promise and hindsight turns it into a betrayal. just keep going. when you try. when you fail. when you think you’ve won and then life slaps you across the face. when you’re surprised. meet your demise. when the world shows you hell. just keep going and you’ll see it’s all heaven. holy, hypnotic, hidden. revealed through the opposites you so dutifully endured. just keep going. if knowing the world was a treasure those before you hid right in your backyard, venturing outside will take you on the journey that teaches you how to access it. all roads lead you back to you.


let Yourself sing


woah, who turned the lights on in here!